Jezliah Villarreal – Musician, Dancer – Israel

Photo by Rivka Rischall
Jezliah Villarreal is a singer/songwriter/musician/dancer and the co-director and co-founder of the RBS Dance and Music Academy located in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel.
Jezliah was born into an Evangelical Christian home that observed the Sabbath. Her father was the pastor of a Latino church in Austin, Texas. Her parents and family are from Mexico and settled in South Texas in their youth. From a young age, Jezliah showed tremendous interest in the performing arts and trained in voice, music and dance. By the age of nine, she started a dance team at her church and by age 12 she was singing lead in the church band. Jezliah aspired to attend one of the top Christian performing arts colleges to become a worldwide worship leader.
When Jezliah was 17, her mother and father brought Jewish teachings into the church and at home, and after intense research and soul searching, decided to leave the church in search for truth in Torah.
Jezliah married her husband, Yosef Daniel, in 2006 and had their first child in 2008. They finished their conversion to Judaism in January 2010 and made aliya in July 2010. Since then she has found her love of the performing arts once again as co-director and co-founder of the RBS Dance and Music Academy and is now working on her debut album called “Trust In You” She is performing and speaking at events around central Israel.
Jezliah hopes to inspire all women and girls to dream big and to hold on to Hashem who is in control of it all.