Shira Nussdorf (Ms. Shira) – Singer, Songwriter, Producer – New York, NY

Shira Nussdorf has been performing since she was a child. She began by touring with Sol Zim’s Jewish choir as a youngster. At the age of 8 she composed her first song “Winter’s On its Way” which quickly became one of her elementary school’s official songs for both violin and voice. She attended the esteemed FAME LaGuardia HS for drama. During college she founded her first production company, Busted Theatre Works dedicated to showcasing independent and avant guarde theatre. She graduated Hunter with a double major in creative writing and English Secondary Education and minors in philosophy and theartre. After going to Israel on a birthright program, Shira began her love affair with Zionism and the Jewish people. Since then Ms. Shira has both studied and taught at the kiruv organizations that helped mikiruv her. She has run children’s programs for Aish, Chabad, Hineni,and Gateways. After attending the Jewel program and Neve Yerushalyim she decided to address her struggles with kol isha as an artist by creating women’s performance programming. Her company Ladies First has helped host hundreds of Jewish women singers. Recently she has hosted events in NY with ATARA in Brooklyn and looks forward to continuing creating opportunities and workshops for women worldwide.