Ashira Morgenstern – Composer, Author – Israel

Ashira Morgenstern composed/released the first recording of original music by and for Jewish women in 1983 under the guidance of Rav Sheinberg of Torah Ohr and Rav Nachman Bulman. A close student of Rebbetzin Chaya Sara Freifeld, a”h, she was the founding director of Tapeynu, a girl’s yeshiva initiated by Rav Shlomo Freifeld z”l in 1978 (now the Beis Yaakov of Far Rockaway). In 1982, after immigrating to Israel, Ashira and her husband founded the Jerusalem Media Workshop, where they co-authored Lights, a network broadcast animation about Chanukah with the voice talents of Leonard Nimoy and Judd Hirsch. Awarded “Best Educational Film of the Year” by Israel’s Film Board, Lights was one of a number of live action dramas and documentaries produced at the Workshop. Ashira is presently the CEO of an educational media company, Green Field Productions, where she is developing a multi-media project for teens, sponsored by a former executive at the Disney Network. (Ashira did not ultimately attend the conference).