Miriam Leah Gamliel, EdD – ATARA Founder/Director, Performer – Montreal

Miriam Leah (Droz) Gamliel is a thought leader with a doctorate in Educational Innovation residing in Montreal, Canada.
In her early career, she studied musical theatre and performed principal roles before adopting religious observance. Once observant, she became a producer and arts administrator, instrumental in the formation and management of ATARA. Outside of ATARA, she has directed a feature film, participated in arts-based fellowships, and can be seen as a principal performer in shows by Rachel’s Place and other charity-based events.
In her professional life, she has worked as a Jewish studies librarian and school administrator. She holds a BA from Barnard College in Theater and English, MLIS (Library-Information Science) from The University of Pittsburgh, MA in Jewish Studies from Touro College, and an EdD from YU’s Azrieli School of Jewish Education, with a dissertation focused on the social-emotional needs of creatively gifted students in Orthodox schools.
She currently resides in Montreal where she directs a Sunday performing arts program and a women’s choir, hosts open mic nights and concerts, and partnered in creating Nshei Players, a recent local theater initiative with two original musicals.
Wikipedia | Jewish Week | Touro College
Jewish Press | OU | The Jewish Star
Jewish Orthodox Women’s Medical Association (JOWMA)
Jews You Should Know | The Franciska Show | Orange Socks by Yitzchak Moully
Divergent Minds, Convergent Molds Doctoral Dissertation
International Jewish Journal of Educational Research April 2015 (8), 81-103 – article on Elliot Eisner
Prizmah HaYidion October 3, 2017 – article on differentiated education
Editage Insights – behind the scenes on doctoral research
Hevria – personal article
Teaching Torah OU Women | OU Torah
Bring Them Home | Tov Lehodot Choreography Chain