Lori Leifer – Singer-Songwriter – New York, NY

Lori Leifer is a devoted artist, friend, sister, database programmer and community organizer. She is a proud eynikle (direct descendent) of the great Ndvorna chasidim (of Premishlan) who were known for their chesed and skills on the fiddle. Raised on a farm in upstate, NY, she is only now studying Yiddish intensively and hopes to be fluent one day. Lori has a small business using Jewish folk music to entertain elderly Jews at assisted living centers around NYC. She also sings and acts occasionally for the National Yiddish Theater Folksbeine and spent many years as both student and director of the Drisha Arts Fellowship at the Drisha Institute for Jewish Education in NYC, where she learned some Talmud, and started writing an album of folk songs based on Talmudic aggadot (a project which she hopes to return to one day!). Lori spent several years singing with choir director Binyumen Schechter in the Jewish People’s Philharmonic (Yiddish) Choir and for Benajmin Gruder with the Rottenberg (Hebrew) chorale. At the moment Lori is quite satisfied honing in on her skills as a vocalist, piano player and actor gigging around NYC. You can listen to and find updates about Lori on her.