How we started
In 2007, only a handful of opportunities existed in the arts in adherence to Torah, and artists often struggled with observance, sometimes feeling forced into choosing one value or another: Unfortunately, some abandoned Jewish law, and others abandoned their pursuit of art, neglecting gifts Hashem had provided them.
We thus began as a response to this untenable situation. While the importance of upholding Jewish law cannot be underestimated, artistic expression can also be considered essential for optimal religious service. Like any language, the arts are mediums through which to serve G-d, communicate ideas, and help others. Arts have the capacity to bring the Jewish value of simcha, joy, both to those engaged in it and those appreciating it, they are tools for education, and they improve both emotional and physical health. The abandonment of these important channels of expression contradicts basic aims of religion (and certainly unjustified in the name of religion!) Just as we uphold Torah values, we uphold the basic human need for the development and expression of G-d given talent.
Thus, we began our journey to prove that G-d does not ask us to perform the impossible. If He grants individuals the ability to communicate through the arts, while also a legal standard by which to live, then creative expression according to these standards is not only possible, but – in that the perfect world openly expresses spirituality – arts expression according to Torah law is not only possible, but ideal!
The handful of individuals actively creating programs in the arts prior to 2007 met together and devised the “annual conference,” an opportunity to gather in person from various cities to meet, perform, teach and learn – basically to share our talents and visions with each other, and with any audience willing to attend. From there, we began a monthly email newsletter to stay connected throughout the year and raise awareness of arts taking place in all communities of Torah observance. In 2009, we created a CD representing multiple artists with recorded music at the time. And as Facebook became popular, we began a group there, where members can post, chat and connect independently.
Second Gen
After stepping back from conferences for several years, the community began to expand on its own. Schools were born, movies were made, careers in songwriting soared. Did we still need each other? Had we outlived our relevance?
We came together in 2016 to reconnect and to see the journeys we had all taken, and discovered a completely new generation of artists. As camps and schools graduate new classes of students, our community will only continue to grow and expand. We ventured into new geographic territory – Baltimore, MD, a new vista of many DC area artists! – and most recently Israel!
We truly hope that we can provide a unifying collective for Torah observant artists, wherever they live, and whenever they decide to join. We are stronger together.