Judith Gerzi – Songwriter, Singer – Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel

Rebbetzin Judith Gerzi, the soul-singer/songwriting sensation, is now touring with her début album, ‘Awakening.’ Originally from London, England, she now lives in Israel with her large family. With the voice of an angel, she has been called ‘ the Jewish Adele’ and ‘the white Whitney Houston’. She’ll take you from joy, to tears, to laughter… all in one show!
Judith Gerzi was born in London England and made aliya with her busband rabbi Yehoshua Gerzi and then two-year-old daughter in 2004. After battling her stage freight, she finally sang in a women’s show and, assumed to be a professional, started getting jobs as a singer/ song writer. She lives in Ramat Beit Shemesh with her growing family of seven, Is the rebbetzin of their shul and owns a sheitle salon & gemach. She is also the co-director at RBS Dance and Music Academy in the music department. She recently came back from doing a mini singing tour in Miami, Florida and sings soul and jazz to women only. Her passion is to bring Achdut and awareness through her music.