Annie Orenstein – Partner. Producer, Radio host, writer – Maale Adumim, Israel

Annie has been producing shows for women in the arts since 2007. She is the cofounder of Spotlight On Women and is the host of Spotlight On Women Radio which is aired weekly in Israel, featuring music by women for women as well as other women producers and professionals of different fields.
Annie also writes articles featuring artists in the Jerusalem Post and the Jewish Press.
Annie, originally from Brooklyn, NY, made Aliyah in 2003 and lives in Maaleh Adumim with her husband and 3 children. She holds a degree in Early Childhood Education and is the English Projects Coordinator at Emunah Jerusalem.
She can be contacted at
Each time she hears a new voice, or sees a new dance or act that inspires, she craves to bring them into the spotlight and celebrate their passion for the arts.
Annie Orenstein
Producer/ Creator
Producer/ Creator
Spotlight On Women. במה לאשה
Express Yourself. Finally.