October 7 Art Exhibit

October 7 Art Exhibit

ATARA Arts and Juneberry Gallery are partnering in organizing an art exhibition: “October 7: Terror, Faith, Hope” – a visual arts initiative to mark the one year anniversary of the most tragic and deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust.

This project is supported by the ATARA Arts Foundation.

This exhibit will provide a space for Jewish artists to exhibit their expressions of the healing arts in response to the trauma and devastation beginning on October 7, 2023. The exhibition will reflect faith, acceptance and healing, while responding to the ongoing tragedy that has befallen our Land of Israel and the Jewish People.

We intend to encourage a dialogue about the healing arts.

Venue: Juneberry Gallery 1714 President Street, Brooklyn, NY

Curators: Abigail H. Meyer & Miriam Leah Gamliel


Important Dates:

  • Submission deadline Friday, September 20 (extended: Monday, September 23)
  • Artwork delivered to the gallery September 29-October 6 (details will be communicated to selected artists)
  • Exhibition opening October 7th, 2024
  • On view through November 2024


Programs during the exhibition include:

  • Opening reception
  • Artists-led tours
  • An evening with ATARA artists of different disciplines, featuring music, performances, poetry.
  • Closing event panel discussion and performance


Artwork info:

All works need to be ready to hang with a hook or a wire in the back (except for works on stretched canvas, wire is not necessary).

Works on paper need to be framed, with plexi, not glass, and a wire in the back. Unframed works not accepted.

No breakable materials.

We can only accept a limited number of sculpture but encourage submissions of work in all media, including site-specific installation.

Size: We can only accept limited amounts of large-scale work, but welcome all submissions.

Theme: October 7th and its aftermath.

Artwork delivery: Works can be hand delivered (September 29 through October 6) or mailed in with UPS or FedEx with a prepaid return address label to Juneberry Gallery 1714 President Street, Brooklyn, NY. Works without that label will not be considered.



Prepare your images:

Submit your images as jpegs, saved with last name_title, such as greenberg_kotel.jpg

Maximum 3 images per artist. Please include dimensions (inches) of Height x Width.

Image size: each jpeg not larger than 500 kb, not smaller than 250 kb.
Please include a short description of the artwork as well.

Submissions that feature image PDFs,  jpegs without names or title, or omit a short statement/description will not be viewed.

Artists are responsible for the roundtrip transport of their work to and from the New York City venue. Juneberry Gallery and ATARA will not be responsible for damage or theft.

Please send image(s) and info to: VisualArts@ArtsAndTorah.org